Posts in Employment
California's New FAST Recovery Act Hurts More Than It Helps: Replacing Workers and Raising Food Prices (Part III).

The FAST Recovery Act negatively affects fast food employees, their families, and all consumers as a whole. In fact, the new law will likely hasten the replacement of the very employees it purports to protect as employers implement more automated procedures to cut costs. In addition, the new law will likely result in the rise of fast food prices, negatively affecting all consumers- especially those consumers who rely on the low fast food prices.

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California-based software company Twilio brags online about using race as a factor in laying off nearly a thousand employees.

Twilio CEO plans to terminate nearly a thousand employees and admits termination factors include whether employee is of certain race, has been oppressed, or is part of marginalized group.

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Employers beware: Courts are handing out larger and larger awards to fewer and fewer employees!

If you are a California employer, you need to know that Courts are handing out larger and larger awards to fewer and fewer employees. Doing business in California just got more expensive!

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