Posts tagged franchise owners
California Fast Food Employers Fight Back: Implementation of California’s “First of Its Kind” FAST Recovery Act is Temporarily Suspended.

California restaurant owners are fighting back in court and challenging California’s new and unique Fast Recovery Act. The new law, which gives a supervisory board unlimited unilateral control over the relationship between the franchise owners and the franchise owners employees, has been suspended by a Sacramento judge.

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California’s FAST Recovery Act Ties the Employers’ Hands During Termination: Employees enjoy broad protection against Employer Action (Part IV).

The FAST Recovery Act gives franchise employees broad protection and more ammunition in discrimination and wrongful termination lawsuits against employers. Employers have their hands tied and are specifically prohibited from taking adverse action against employees who are engaged in “protected activity.”

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California's New FAST Recovery Act Hurts More Than It Helps: Replacing Workers and Raising Food Prices (Part III).

The FAST Recovery Act negatively affects fast food employees, their families, and all consumers as a whole. In fact, the new law will likely hasten the replacement of the very employees it purports to protect as employers implement more automated procedures to cut costs. In addition, the new law will likely result in the rise of fast food prices, negatively affecting all consumers- especially those consumers who rely on the low fast food prices.

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