Let us Protect your business and help you thrive
We Defend Dreams
The delicate balance between government regulations and the freedom to do business is as old as time. The truth is: California is not business friendly; California does not want your business. The current political climate in California has made conducting business difficult, costly, and hazardous; it is only going to get trickier. California has some of the most complex and stringent employment laws in the nation.
If you are a business owner, you should know that California is out to take what you built and give it to someone else. You still get to do the extra hours and hard work. You also get to keep working on holidays and skipping vacations. And, you still get to keep the risk of failure, financial collapse, and loosing it all.
“ California is out to take what you built and give it to someone else. ”
Each year, laws are added to the books which progressively transfer your rights as an owner to operate your business the way you want and to transfer your profits from your hard work and investment to others. The result is that it has become increasingly difficult for businesses to thrive, or even survive, in California. This is not common sense regulation. Our laws are purposefully complex to reduce competition from the little guy in favor of the corporate conglomerate. It is a game of gotcha or whack-a-mole designed to strip you bare.
Attacks on you and your business come in many forms. From exploitive garbage claims of wrong termination, retaliation, discrimination, or harassment to the maze that is wage claims. Regardless of the avenue, the goal is always the same: to get something for nothing.
“I’m a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it.”
— Thomas Jefferson, American Founding Father
There is an old proverb that says “the enemy of my enemy is my friend.” We feel bad telling you this, but you need to know: You are the enemy; the State of California and your employees are the best of friends.
What does this mean for business owners? You need to know the laws, steer clear of any violations, and diligently oversee your operations to ensure costly mistakes are avoided. We know you are already working hard to keep your business running smoothly everyday, but you need to work smarter to make sure you abide by the labor and employment laws. The penalties are severe and can cost you everything.
We can help your stay up to date with current laws, avoid large liability issues in the future, coach you when dealing with employee issues, and defend you in court when the need arises (and it will). It is not a question of if, but simply when. Sometimes a mere oversight, a technical violation, or just a plan old an honest mistake can cost you thousands of dollars in penalties alone. We are here to help employers avoid mistakes and reduce exposures and liabilities for any violations.
We have successfully defended hardworking employers, entrepreneurs, and small to large international corporations who believe in the American dream. We believe businesses, whether big or small, should be free to work hard and make their dreams a reality.